Designer: John Cunningham, Manny J. Granillo
Publisher: Hoplite Research Games
Casemate & Cannon brings the Age of Steam to the fingertips of the Armchair Admiral. The rules were designed for maneuver and engaging large fleets and squadrons into Close Action. A complete and comprehensive Fleet system designed for detail and fast play.
- allows for a 20 ship game to be completed in 2-3 hours
- can be used with any scale and no rebasing needed
- all major and minor nations Army lists
- allows for naval warfare all over the world
- features HRG's Naval Terrain Generation system
- complete navale lists and ship capabilities
- admiral and player aid tools
- includes complete campaign integration for Eagle's Prey
- can be used from 1820-1900
- integrates with HRG's Eagle's Prey 19th century rules
(from the back of the book)