
Care Bears Touching Tunes (1984)

Rank: --
2-4 Players
15 Min
Age: 6+
Complexity: --

Designer: (Uncredited)

Publisher: Parker Brothers

The Care Bears are here! And it's no surprise- cause when they're not touching others with happy feelings, they're playing TOUCHING TUNES with special friends like you! Touching Tunes is a unique electronic game board is filled with musical fun- all at the touch of a finger.

Touch any of the spots on the board. Then ask a friend to lend a helping hand, maybe an ear- even a nose- for you to touch. When your friend touches the TOUCHING TUNES board, If the tune matches your song card, you're on your way to winning the game!

There are 6 fun-filled Care Bear games in all. Some specially designed for the younger player- others for the more advanced. And each one invites players to use elementary skills such as counting, matching, and spelling.

Game 1: Birthday Bear Buddies. Try to match up, by number or pictures, as many birthday cakes as you can whenever you here the "Happy Birthday" tune.
Game 2: Color Me Care Bear. Make a Care Bear face complete by trying to win the right cards when you here your special song.
Game 3: Care Bear All-Star Spellers. You'll be right in tune with the Care Bears if you can spell C-A-R-E or B-E-A-R before everyone else does.
Game 4: The Care Bear Five. All 5 Bears come into play as you try to win cards of the same color- or a combination of colors- to complete one bear.
Game 5: Race to Care-A-Lot. Here, you're on the road to Care-A-Lot, moving your Care Bear token closer to home every time your song is played. Reach the castle first and you're the winner!
Game 6: Care Bear Collection. This is a special collection for Care Bears ONLY- and that means no Dr. Coldheart! Collect all 5 Bears while keeping the Dr. Coldheart card out in the cold!

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