Designer: Dean Cox
Publisher: (Self-Published)
An adult card game that will have you laughing all night. You will be amazed about what you will find out about your friends.
It's a simple and fun adult card game that is different every time you play, as different groups will respond in different ways. You will find out more about your friends or new people at a party. You will be amazed and surprised about the answers you get to intimate, probing questions. We are sure you will be surprised about what you learn about your friends.
In its simplistic form, a dealer reads a question from the deck and you anonymously answer 'Yes' or 'No'. The dealer tries to guess how many answered 'Yes' or 'No', and if they guess correctly, they keep the question card. If not the dealer decides which stories they want to hear why people answered 'Yes' or 'No'. If the dealer wants to hear the 'Yes' stories and you as a player answered yes, you can choose to tell the story to win the card, or keep quiet and remain anonymous. If there are more than one 'Yes' cards, then multiple people can tell their stories and the dealer decides which story wins. At the end of the game, the player who has gathered the most cards wins the game.
The great thing about this game is that you have the freedom to choose to remain anonymous or to share the stories behind your answer - so you decide on what to divulge to the group you’re playing with, it allows you to freely express something in public without the repercussions.
The game provides the environment to share stories and situations and engage in conversations that you would not normally engage in. You will be amazed what you find out about your friends. Is an adult game(18+), so as you can imagine there are some pretty risque questions.
Here are a couple of 'tame' sample questions in the deck:
Have you ever had a DUI?
Have you ever been arrested?
Have you ever lied on a tax return?