
Captaincy (2015)

Fight ship to ship, from the Renaissance to the Napoleonic Wars!

Rank: --
2-7 Players
120-280 Min
Age: 13+
Complexity: --

Captaincy is a miniatures game of ship-to-ship combat. The rules track the changes in technology and tactics over the entire era of fighting sail in Europe, from the Renaissance to the Napoleonic Wars.

Each player controls 1-3 ships. Ships alternate rolling dice to move; big numbers increase speed, but trigger undesirable effects like heeling and drifting. There are no written orders.

The game includes ship and fleet information for the British, Dutch, French, and Spanish navies, extensive examples of play, and an index.

Captaincy is returning in a second edition. It is on Kickstarter until October 31, 2022, and will be available online from Wargame Vault soon after.

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