Designer: W. P. Guthrie, Allan Poindexter
Publisher: 3W (World Wide Wargames)
This army-level strategic game, first published in The Wargamer Magazine (#61), is a simulation of the battles of The War of the Spanish Succession, 1702-1714.
One player takes command of the French; the other player plays the Allied forces (British, Dutch, Austrians, etc.). Combat usually results in a percentage loss of units from both sides, a demoralization of from 1 to 6 turns, or both.
Nine scenarios and one Campaign game cover major battles such as Blenheim, Moselle, Landau, or the complete War. Victory is dependent on the scenario being played, but in most instances it is based on points gained through capturing and eliminating opponent's units, capturing supply trains, and occupying cities and fortresses.