
Calçotada Wars (2014)

Rank: 17165
2-6 Players
20 Min
Age: 8+
Complexity: 1.00/5

Designer: Marc Miquel

Artist: Albert Vendrell

Publisher: Catalan Games

Calçotada Wars is a fast card game to see who can eat more ‘calçots’. A group of friends gets together to make a ‘calçotada’, a Catalan food feast. One of them sets a challenge to see who can cook and eat more calçots before the ingredients are gone. Now, you’d better take care that they don’t trick you!

Calçots may be eaten when you complete a series with the following card order: wood, fire, grid, calçot, sauce. The value of each card must be equal or less than the previous one so that it makes sense. To obtain an ingredient you can draw it from the pile or from another player’s hand.

In this simple game, you can deduce other player’s strategy but you are always called to attack. It may seem crazy but eating has never been funnier. It is said you shouldn’t play with food, but this is the exception. With Calçotada Wars let’s play dirty to win.

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