
Bogart (1999)

Rank: --
2-6 Players
20 Min
Age: 10+
Complexity: 1.25/5

Designer: James Ernest

Publisher: Cheapass Games

Bogart is a quick push-your-luck dice game. Each turn, the acting player places one chip from the bank into the pot and rolls one die. If the roll is a one (the player 'aces out'), the turn is over. Otherwise, the player take the pot. Alternatively, the player may add two chips to the pot and roll two dice. If either roll is an ace, the turn is over. This continues until the player aces out, takes the pot, or rolls five dice without acing out - which is an instant win. If no player scores an instant win, the first player to collect thirty chips wins.

Bogart was first written for Dalmutti's Restaurant in Seattle, WA. It was the Spring 1999 Catalog Free Game and is included in Chief Herman's Holiday Fun Pack. It was later revised and sold as Crash.

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