
Activity (1990)

Rank: 7535
3-16 Players
45 Min
Age: 12+
Complexity: 1.12/5

This is a party game from Piatnik played in 2-4 teams with at least 2 players each.

The teams' meeples move over the board, the goal is to reach the finish. Depending on the category of field they are currently standing at, one player has to act (pantomime) or to describe or to paint a phrase given on a card and the other members of his team have to find out what that should be. If they manage to do so, their meeple moves forward.
There are several editions and expansions for this game.

Nominated for the Deutscher Spieler Preis in 1993 (ended at the bottom of the nominations).

A new edition, Activity 2, was created in 2002.

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