

Rank: --
2 Players
0 Min
Age: 18+
Complexity: 0.00/5

Batalj. This Swedish Alga game is essentially a newer version of the old Alga game Attack, which probably is related to L'Attaque. Therefore Batalj could be considered a "cousin" of Stratego. Designed by Count Sigvard Bernadotte, an uncle of H M King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden, and illustrated by Lars-Olof Jerhammar.

In the game you try to defeat your opponents army with your own. You only see the back of your opponents pieces so you don't know what piece is where. You try to use your stronger pieces to defeat your opponents weaker ones while protecting your weak ones. .

Differences between Stratego and Batalj:

-Batalj has 48 (2*24) pieces on a 64 square grid (8*8). Only the first 3 rows are filled in the initial setup.
-Instead of 'Bombs' Batalj has 'Cannon'. Cannons can only be defeated by the value 3 piece (Corporal).
-There are no 'Scouts' and the unit mix in general is slightly different.
-There are no 'lakes' nor any other obstructions on the board.
-Striking is mandatory and happens immediately when a player moves a piece to a square directly in front (but not on the sides or back) of an opposing piece. A victorious striking piece does not occupy the opponent's space.
-There are no 'Flags'; winner is the first player to either eliminate or block all opposing pieces. In case of an impasse, the value of remaining pieces on both sides is counted and the higher total wins.

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