
Sahara Sandstorm (1998)

Rank: --
2-0 Players
0 Min
Age: 0+
Complexity: 2.00/5

Designer: T. Sheil, A. Sheil

Publisher: (Web published)

"Colonial Era Combat game: 1879 - 1929. French Foreign Legion, British Colonials, Germans SWA Troops, etc. Simple, fun wargame rules for backyard, beach or living room."

"The romantic tales of the French Foreign Legion, the drama of the hundred British regulars who held off 4,000 Zulu warriors at Rourke's Drift, the harsh battle of Khartoum - these are the stuff of legend. Sahara Sands is a fast-action battle game that enables you to replicate those days of tropical heat and adventure. You bring the toy soldiers, regular dice and kite string while we show you how it's done!"

Ratings are provided for seven types of weapons common to figures of this era: rifle (rolling block or bolt action), jezail (muzzle-loading rifle), revolver, spear, cannon/mortar, Gatling gun, and machine gun. Each weapon is rated for rate of fire, range, and damage.

Basic unit speeds are provided for different types of units and vehicles (foot soldiers, camel troops horsemen, wagons, tanks, trucks, etc.) Terrain effects on movement are also specified. The rules also cover officers/leaders, prisoners, forts, and the shock value of 'modern' weapons.

One of the Jersey Shore Battle Games, available for free online at:

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