It’s time to bust out the fireworks, but be careful. You don’t want an M80 to explode in your hand, you will lose it. They are powerful little things. Players take turns playing a card on a players hand, Follow the rules of the cards to see what happens. The goal of the game is to acquire the most points by the end of the game. There is a chance to secure points with the dud card, but other than that whatever you have in your hand at the end will be your score. You must watch out for the M80, they empty your hand. Enjoy and remember, fireworks are not toys!. Set things on fire responsibly!
Set Up:Conclusion:
Play continues until there are no more cards to draw. The cards left in your hand at the end of the game are totalled and scored. if you have any cards in front of you as result of the dud, you add them to your hand total and that’s your score. The highest score wins. If a tie, the player with the most of the highest point value cards wins.