Designer: Klaus Zoch
Publisher: Zoch Verlag
Ritter Rost: Eisenhart & Voll Verbeult is based on the "musical book"-series and upcoming animated movie about Ritter Rost, a knight built of rusty pieces of scrap. In the game, each player has his own "Ritter Rost" tableau to equip with arms, horse, and so on. These are auctioned from three card piles: one face-down and two face-up. The players then decide when their "Ritter Rost" is ready for dice-rolling adventures. There are three adventures he has to go through successfully in the following order:
On their turn, players decide whether to start an auction of one of the topmost open cards (paid with "sheet metal cards") or to send his "Ritter Rost" out to an adventure.
Auctions are held by bidding with face-down cards with values 1-8; these values are "circular", so a "1" beats an "8". Each card can be used only once and is discarded after the auction. When all cards are played, the discarded piles of each player is handed to the next player, since there are tie-breaking symbols on them.
To adventure, players equip their "Ritter Rost" with the items they gained via the auctions. Icons on these items tell how many dice the player uses trying to fulfill the adventure. To fulfill an adventure, the player reveals a matching adventure tile that tells him a number he has to reach by rolling the dice. The dice have only "positive" and "negative" sides. The player rolls all the dice he gets. All negative ones are laid aside, all positive ones are added and rolled again. Each consecutive roll is added (positive sides) or subtracted (negative sides) from the total until the number is reached, one die roll is entirely negative, or the player gives up.
Supplemental helper cards as well as cards that make adventures even harder add variety and more tactical elements to the game.
The first player who fulfills all three adventures wins the game.