
Bloodstone Frontier (2017)

Rank: --
2-4 Players
30-60 Min
Age: 8+
Complexity: --

Bloodstone Frontier is a tabletop skirmish game using high-quality resin figures that's set in a pioneer-punk universe in which the card-based gameplay mechanisms remove the requirement for tape measures and dice.

Set in the technologically-progressive town of Hope, gangs fight over stashes that supply them with the assets they need to prosper and survive. Generations ago, they were sent to this world to guide the human race to a new future based on intelligence and craft, rather than history and politics, but not much from the past has changed in the future.

The game is played with a standard deck of poker-sized cards that players use to perform actions, make attacks and defend their characters. Although the basic system is simple, few decisions are simple and many have knock-on effects that must be considered.

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