
Black Party: Dying at the Discotheque (2021)

Players embody characters in a crime and have to try and solve it.

Rank: --
6-7 Players
180 Min
Age: 16+
Complexity: --

In "Black Party" the players embody characters who are involved in a spectacular murder case. One of the players is the murderer. But the others also have their dirty secrets or a motive and each of them have an extra task that only they know.
The group decides by guessing and reconstructing the crime who is the murderer and afterwards the players see if the group was on the right track. So it's about getting away with life. Because what good is it to be innocent if the others think you are guilty?

In "Black Party - Dying at the Discotheque" the players are famous pop stars, hip artists, and corrupt politcians partying at a 1980s disco in New York City. They have to try to find out who murdered real estate tycoon by letting the giant disco ball crash down and hit him...

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