
貧乏陶芸家 (Binbou-Tougeika) (2012)

Rank: --
3-4 Players
45 Min
Age: 8+
Complexity: --

User summary:

Poor Potter is the English name given to the Japanese game 貧乏陶芸家 (Binbou-Tougeika) by the game designer Taiki Shinzawa.

The players are a group of young potters, who, due to poverty, can't afford the clay to produce pottery works. Under the circumstances, you show the plan of your upcoming work to solicit clay from other potters, and the player who has supplied the highest amount of clay can receive the work. The produced work may be worthless now, but its value is sure to rise in 10 years time.

Players bid on pottery work cards by the weight of the clay they supply, and the player who earns the highest score by adding the points for the clay and cards wins. An electronic scale is provided as a component of the game and used to weigh the clay, as the precise weights matter to the result.

Designer's summary:

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