Designer: Alberto Baratelli, Dario Cazzani, Stefano Emanueli, Giuseppe Tettamant
Publisher: (Self-Published)
The Binary Playing Cards are the first and unique playing cards in binary numbers and logic gates as suits.
You can play the new games studied for these cards or traditional games, as they are very similar to the traditional playing cards.
The publisher has rules of four different games.
- Binary (by Carte Binarie)
- Hamming (by Carte Binarie)
- SolBit (by Carte Binarie)
- FastBit (by Angelo Porazzi)
Binary Playing Cards will be present at Essen Fair 09 at Angelo Porazzi Games
Hall 9 Booth 30
with the designers of Carte Binarie:
Alberto Baratelli
Dario Cazzani
Stefano Emanuelli