
Billabong (1992)

Use your opponents' kangaroos to enable big hops and get your own home first.

Rank: 3019
2-4 Players
30 Min
Age: 10+
Complexity: 1.91/5

In the geometrical racing game Billabong, players maneuver teams of kangaroos jumping around a "billabong" ("a dead-end channel extending from the stream of a river," a term used in Australia). The board is made up of checkerboard-style squares around the billabong in the middle.

On your turn, you move one of your five kangaroos, usually moving it in a jump or series of jumps over the other kangaroos. Jumps can be long; if the kangaroo to be jumped over is five spaces away, for example, the landing space will be five spaces beyond. The other option — to move a kangaroo just one space — is usually used as a positioning tactic for a subsequent move. The first player to get all five kangaroos around the billabong and over the finish line wins.

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