
Bibi Blocksberg: Hexenkugel (2010)

Rank: --
2-4 Players
15 Min
Age: 5+
Complexity: --

Designer: Kai Haferkamp

Artist: (Uncredited)

Publisher: Schmidt Spiele

The game consists of a "magic" crystal ball, a number of plastic chips and some cards. The players put a number of chips (of each color) on the table equalling the number of players minus one.
The crystal ball glows in different colors until it suddenly stops at one color. Each player then has to quickly put a hand on a chip in the corresponding color. The player who is slowest (i.e. doesn't get a chip) receives a card and has to perform an action stated on it. When all cards are used up, the player with least cards is the winner.

(User summary by HilkMAN)

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