
Beware of the Wolf! (1981)

Race around the forest, hiding behind trees to avoid the prowling wolf.

Rank: 20515
2-4 Players
15 Min
Age: 6+
Complexity: 1.00/5

CONTENTS (Ravensburger editions only):
Playing board. Showing a circular journey with 2 paths, inner and outer.
Spinning wolf and 12 trees on stands
Dice (with a wolf instead the no. 6)
2 x 4 playing pieces.

An exciting trip through the forest, as you try to avoid the prowling wolf and return to your house as quickly as you can.
Throw the dice and decide whether to take the long, safe route behind the trees or the shorter, daring path right in front of the wolf.
Catch up with an opponent and send him back to his house, to start all over again. But beware of the wolf! For if he spins round to face you, back you go.

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