
Battlesuit (1983)

Futuristic powered-armor man-to-man infantry combat in the Ogre game universe.

Rank: 20107
2 Players
60 Min
Age: 10+
Complexity: 2.38/5

Pocket Box; cover art by Dave Martin. 21" x 32" green/brown map, four sheets of black/red/white two-sided counters, rulebook. This game is set in the Ogre/G.E.V. background, but is on a different scale, where each counter represents a single battle suited infantryman; it is not compatible. Related to the Game: Ogre / G.E.V..

Originally published as a magazine game in The Space Gamer (Issue 59 - Jan 1983) with misregistered counters. Replacement counters were provided in The Space Gamer (Issue 60 - Feb 1983).

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