Designer: John Anderson
Publisher: King's College
Battle for Fallujah is a solitaire wargame modeling the first Coalition offensive against the insurgent held city of Fallujah in April 2004, designed as part of an MA in War Studies at Kings College, London in 2008-2009.
As the coalition player, you must weigh up the costs/benefits of using the readily available heavy weaponry to support your two Marine infantry companies as they engage insurgents and local nationalist Iraqis as well as locate and capture the Insurgency's leadership versus the damage to your mission by the media attention of the battle.
You, playing as the coalition, have limited ground resources, but effectively unlimited air and artillery support, must decide whether to use the heavy weapons at your disposal to quickly destroy insurgent opposition. But you must weigh up the destruction caused with the political fallout from the images of a burning Fallujah being broadcast around the world.
The aim of the game is to capture territory from the insurgency, locate and destroy centers of resistance, capture local insurgency leaders and engage enemy forces in order to regain control of the city.
The game is still a 'work in progress' so any feedback would be greatly appreciated.