
Batman: The Joker Air Race Game (1990)

Rank: --
2-4 Players
15-30 Min
Age: 6+
Complexity: --

Designer: (Uncredited)

Artist: (Uncredited)

Publisher: University Games

Object: Capture the Joker. The first player to fly from Wayne Manor to the Joker's Flying Fortress wins.

Playing the Game: All players start a Wayne Manor. (green start square) The youngest player spins first and then moves his/her playing piece the number shown on the spinner. Play continues with the next player on the left. The first player to reach the Joker's Flying Fortress (red finish square) wins.

Flying: Players move in a straight line (left-right, up-down, diagonally) one direction per turn. Player may pass each other, but they cannot occupy the same space at the end of the turn. If a player lands on an occupied space, he/she must move one space less in another direction. Players CANNOT fly through buildings, they must fly OVER them.

The Spinner: The spinner is divided into six parts. The five numbered sections (2,3,4,5,6) show how many spaces a player can move during his/her turn. The Joker spinner section activates the "Plane Scrambler" forcing ALL PLAYERS to land on the building space directly below. Player resumes when the next player spins.

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