
Batman Miniature Game (Second Edition) (2017)

Rank: --
2 Players
-- Min
Age: --
Complexity: 3.00/5

Publisher: Knight Models

Citizens of Gotham, pay close attention! Things may never be the same again…
Since the release of the Batman Miniature Game five years ago, we’ve seen a lot of changes here at Knight Models. The games has gone from strength-to-strength, with a hardback core rulebook, two expansions, and the successful launch of the Batmatch organized play rules, helping to grow our amazing community around the world.
We are delighted to announce the arrival of the 2nd Edition Batman Miniature Game rules.
This free downloadable PDF rulebook is the culmination of thousands of games, and feedback from our customers.
Fear not: it is still the game you know and love, with its street-level strategic action in Gotham’s darkened alleyways, but we’ve taken the opportunity to streamline the mechanics, making the rules more intuitive and even more fun, and we’ve consolidated a lot of hard-to- find rules and Traits into one mighty tome. We think players new and old will love it!

But that’s not all – far from it! The launch of the new edition is spearheaded by brand new miniatures, representing the pinnacle of our studio’s output. The new models are produced in high-quality, coloured resin. Knight Models was founded on a love of display-quality models, and we think painters and modelers will agree that these new miniatures are the best we’ve ever produced.

The Batman Miniature Game is a skirmish game based on the broad Batman universe. You can command one of the most famous criminal bands in Gotham City to expand your territory and control the underworld, or stop their evil plans with the Dark Knight and his allies.

The game includes the most important characters created by Bob Kane, like Batman himself, Robin, Nightwing, etc. aided by the Gotham City Police trying to stop the gangs led by the most infamous criminals and psychopaths of the DC Comics universe, like The Joker, Penguin, Two-Face and many others.

Knight Models team has created incredibly detailed miniatures to accurately portray these characters and their sidekicks in 35mm scale ready to assemble and paint. This is a licensed and official DC Comics product.

Here are just a few changes to the game for the new 2nd Edition:
Bat Cape (1SC, Passive)
As long as it is able to spend a Special Counter, the model will not take Damage, be Knocked Down, nor become a Casualty as a result of Falling or Jumping. In addition, the model may Leap Down without spending the MC, and without using any of its total movement allowance.

Mixed Combat Style (2SC)
The model may perform a close combat attack action and a free ranged attack action in the same activation this round (no Action Counters are required for the ranged attack).

The actions Run and Spring into the Air are disappearing. This was a difficult decision, because we wanted to limit the number of Movement Actions
and enhance the ones without changes, giving us a set of Movement Actions solid as concrete.
We also bring forward changes that affect Speedsters.
In 2nd Edition, with the new changes shown on older teasers, we believe that more Speedsters will appear in the game board, and will have to manage their Speed Force Counters more accurately.
With this new rule, Action Counters will be determinant in their game:
When a model with the Speedster trait has not any Action Counter, it suffers -1 to Movement and Defense Basic Skills.
With all of this, we thought that Speed Force Master needed a little update:

Speed Force Master
This model can spend up to 2 Speed Power Counters during the round like Action Counters.

These are just a few of the traits that have been improved for the 2nd edition.

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