
Bandits 2 (2014)

Rank: --
2 Players
0 Min
Age: 12+
Complexity: 0.00/5

Designer: David Redpath

Publisher: Sunray 42 Games

Having been an avid player of Air Wargames and computer air combat games for many years I decided long ago that of all periods and genres the ’Air Game’ had great characteristics as an introductory game for new wargamers, if only the rules could be simplified.
Most air games which try and deal with the complexities of multiple dimensions, and the problems of spotting in combat, find a convoluted and complex method of doing it; which drops the game pace to a crawl.
Unit count is low however, and the period and genre has glamour…

The objective of these rules, and the Combatdice system in general, is to allow these complex situations to be gamed simply…but without losing the realism of the period.

So in Bandits you will discover recon missions, bombing runs, fighter on fighter scenarios, and the air full of missiles and chaff, without hopefully becoming a full time accountant or bookkeeper.
The overall concept owes much to the work of Mike Spick and his studies of air combat through the ages.
The central concept of this work is that Situational Awareness (SA) is the dominant trait of Aces (the 5% of pilots who account for over 40% of all air to air kills!), this is the ability to be able to analyse the location, and situation of fast moving units to allow action to be taken that gives a good possibility for attack and escape.

—description from the publisher

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