Designer: Vlaada Chvátil
Publisher: Dino Toys s. r. o.
The game consists of a 3D plan of a little cottage. There are two platforms on each side of the roof where Hansel climbs to throw down ginger.
Below stands Gretel who catches the pieces of ginger. There are six places where Gretel can stand on each side of the cottage and each side of the roof.
You can move Hansel and Gretel according to the throw of the dice. Hansel can move one platform up or down, and Gretel can move to an adjacent place on the ground. A third option given on the dice is for Hansel to throw down one ginger by sliding new tile from the bundle on the table.
Each platform of the roof consists of six ginger tiles. On the other side of the tile are one or three almonds, but there can also be a witch who can catch Gretel and force her to give up one ginger tile.
The game ends when there are no tiles to put on the roof. Whoever has collected the most almonds wins.