
Aye Sea You! (2022)

A dexterity game about pirates sneakily trading treasure behind their captain's back!

Rank: --
2-8 Players
1-5 Min
Age: 14+
Complexity: --

The game pits one visually impaired Captain against his mutinous Crew. The Crew try to exchange Treasure Cards, but if the Captain sees them, he blasts them full of lead at point blank range. If each Crewmember (living and dead) simultaneously reveals a complete set of 4 identical Treasure Cards, the Crew wins! If they fail to do so within 5 minutes (or if they're all dead), the Captain wins!

The game functions differently for 2-4 players than it does for 5-8 players, but the general theme of secretly moving Treasure Cards while the Captain is looking somewhere else is omnipresent.

—description from the designer

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