
Autorennen wie noch nie (1950)

Rank: --
2-4 Players
25 Min
Age: 6+
Complexity: --

Objective: Be the first to finish

'Roll and Move' game with some modifications.
Of course, there are some fields to accelerate or decelerate your car (your bride is waiting for you, you have to make a phone call...), but using your three dice ==> only '1' and '5' are giving you the speed you need. It's up to your choice - if you gain a 1 or 5, to roll the remaining 2 dice again for all or nothing (early 'Can't Stop).

Due to (sometimes) small changes it's very difficult to track versions and define the publishing date of the first edition;
there are (at least) 3 different Gräfe editions and from 1970 the Spika one; if you check the boards you can detect a (confused?) numbering system - see images.
Some Sellers (e.g. on ebay) declare a publishing date mid 1935, but to my knowlegde those 'Bikini maids', printed on the early edition were not permitted/accepted by National Socialists. But even more confusing - one auction shows hand written notes (to replace (lost) rules) in Sütterlin writing.
- feedback is highly appreciated -

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