
Auf den Spuren des Völkerapostels Paulus (2008)

Rank: --
3-5 Players
-- Min
Age: 10+
Complexity: --

Publisher: Uljö

The game plays at the time of the live of Paulus.

The board Shows the east Mediterranean Sea, square fields are marked. There are cities (numbered) on the board, which where visited by Paulus.

At the begin of the game 6 city cards are drawn, sorted by number (lowest on top) and placed on the board.

The Paulus pawn is placed on the city of the Card with the lowest number.
3 additional Cards are placed right to the city Card series.
A neutral pawn is placed on a path at the edge of the board. This path Shows fields with the numbers 1 to 3 and fields with P.
On a player's turn he rolls the die, moves the neutral pawn this number and normally gets the number of Cards the field shows.
The player can choose freely if he wants to get person cards or good cards.
The active player can trade Cards with the other Players.
The active player can found a parish in one of the 3 cities shown by the open cards. For this he has to give the 4 person and goods shown on the city card. dependent on the Position of Petrus he may pay less (neighbored area on the map 3, same field 2, but always the love card).
The player gets the city Card, a new one replaces it on the board.
The turn of the player is interrupted if he reaches with his dice roll the P field (exact or not). The pawn is placed on the P. Paulus pawn moves to the next city in the series. Each parish (owner of it) gets one word card. Additional one for some cities (Jerusalem, same area as Paulus).
Player continues with a new die roll.
Game ends when Paulus reaches the last city of the series.
Winner is the player with the most victory points.
Points: 1 VP for each word Card. Bonus for more than half or all of the word cards of a cathegory.

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