Designer: Domenico Di Giorgio
Publisher: (Web published), dV Giochi
Taken from the publisher's website:
In Ascowt the action is set in the exciting world of racing... cows! The aim of the game is to cross the finish line first with your cattle, thus earning the most points possible: but will this be enough in order to win the game? Before the race starts, players lay secret bets on the final standings of the race: well-placed bets on other players' cows may give you the extra points you need to win... or will you dare betting everything on your own cattle, going for broke? At his turn, the player rolls the die: if he rolls a number between one and four, he moves the relevant cow forward one square. On a five, the player may move a cow of his choice, and on a six, the player may choose either to move a cow of his choice, or to "milk" one. A milked cow usually loses ground and possibly positions in the race... Some special squares on the course give this fast paced and unusual race an extra twist; the race ends when one of the cows crosses the finish line. Each player earns points according to his cow's final standing, plus extra points if he won any bet: whoever has the most points at the end will be nominated Dairy Farmer of the Year!
This game was available in the free web magazine GiocAreA OnLine (former partner of daVinci Editrice) as a promotional tool.