
Armada Game of Naval Warfare (1975)

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2 Players
-- Min
Age: --
Complexity: --

This is a chess-type game of modern naval warfare published in the Philippines in 1975. The board has an unusual circular shape divided into latitudes and longtitudes.

Each player starts with 18 plastic ships in green or grey: 1 aircraft carrier, 1 battleship, 2 each of cruisers, destroyers and submarines, 4 mine ships and six patrol ships. Each type of ship has a unique "command" pattern that defines the directions and distances to which it can move and attack.

Before starting, each player secretly designates either his battleship or his aircraft carrier as his "flagship". The game ends immediately if a player takes the opposing flagship.

The game may also end in a truce: either because neither player has enough forces left to capture the opposing flagship or because one is offered by one player. If the opposing player refuses the truce offer, he must win within 14 moves or the truce becomes automatic. The winner of a game ending in a truce is determined by the point values of opposing ships captured, between 1 and 5 each.

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