
Arkham Noir: Collector Case #1 – The Real Leeds (2017)

As Matthew M. Bartlett, solve the mystery before time runs out or you go insane.

Rank: 9313
1 Player
30 Min
Age: 14+
Complexity: 2.33/5

Designer: Yves Tourigny

Artist: Yves Tourigny

Publisher: (Self-Published)

Description from the publisher:

You're a writer, sure, but that doesn't pay the bills, so you got a private investigator's license off the internet. Now someone who claims to be from the FCC has hired you to look into a pirate radio station broadcasting obscenities from somewhere around Leeds, Massachusetts. Growing up near Leeds, you heard all the rumours: leeches, witches, cannibals, strange gatherings in the woods, and dead people on the radio. "You're local, you won't stick out." Only, the last guy they sent didn't report back. Police are unlikely to be much help: dozens of people disappear every year, adults and kids, and no one says boo. Happened to your cousin when you were a child.
Driving into town, thinking about lunch, her voice comes on the radio to read the station ID: "You're listening to WXXT. The murmur in the heart of Leeds."

As private investigator Matthew M. Bartlett, you will investigate events based on the stories Rangel, “If He Summons His Herd”, “Little Leeds”, “The Investigator”, and many others.

Arkham Noir is a solitaire card game inspired by the interconnected stories of H. P. Lovecraft and other authors, re-imagined as noir detective stories. Each case stands alone.

Gameplay consists of adding cards to open cases, creating lines of investigation in an effort to solve them. The ultimate goal is to score five "puzzle" clue cards in order to piece together the big picture before running out of time or mental stability. Each newly shuffled deck is the start of a unique challenge, with adjustable difficulty levels to accommodate all level of players.

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