Designer: Martin Arnold, Armin Müller
Publisher: M + A Spiele
A dexterity game in which players take turns placing wooden branches, leaves and cherries on a trunk that wobbles around. If you knock any pieces off they go into your pile of tree parts. First one to get rid of all their tree parts wins the game.
In addition to the basic game described above, a deck of action cards can be used. Starting with the second round, each player draws a card per turn and follows the instructions (e.g. "place three leaves on your turn", "assign a player of your choice to move a tree part of your choice", "swap your leaves for those of the player to your right).
Arbos XXL is a re-implementation of Arbos. It differs from the regular game in three main aspects: size, a fixed (rather than adjustable) base, and wooden cherries as an additional element. The XXL version was originally intended for nursery schools.