
Anno Domini: Lifestyle (1998)

Sort historical events in the correct order.

Rank: 6886
2-8 Players
30 Min
Age: 10+
Complexity: 1.50/5

Like all the other games in the Anno Domini series the Lifestyle edition contains 340 cards. One side of each card names an event while the other side gives the date of the event. At the start of the game every player receives 9 cards with the event side up.
During the game the players add card after card to a growing row of cards while trying to maintain a correct chronological ordering. Instead of adding a card a player can challenge the last player. If this happens all the cards in the row on the table are turned date side up. If the cards are ordered correctly the challenger must take two new cards as penalty. Otherwise the player that placed the last card receives three additional cards.
The aim of the game is to be the first player who adds their last card to the row of cards on the table giving a correct chronological ordering.

Part of the Anno Domini series

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