Designer: (Uncredited)
Publisher: Sterling Games, Inc.
The game comes with 132 letter tiles in four colors, three 'wild' tiles, and a board that consists of interlocking paths. Each player draws four tiles as his or her starting hand. An additional eight tiles are drawn and turned face-up to be used as a common pool. The pool and the players' hands are replenished as the letters are used.
Players take turns placing letters onto the paths to form words. Each word must use at least one letter already on the board and at least one letter either from the common pool or from the player's hand. Words may turn corners (move from one path onto a different one) and read forward or backward, up or down. Longer words score more than shorter words; words using letters of a single color score more than words of multiple colors. The game ends when all the paths are completed or when no one can play a letter that will form a new word.