"Four Fun-tastic Alphabet Card Games In One Zooper-Dooper Deck!" Developed by a team of educators and parents. The four games are:
Monkey's Uncle!: "A terrific new twist on Old Maid, where no one wants to be the Monkey's Uncle!" (To play Monkey's Uncle, the dealer passes out all the cards. Everyone looks at their cards and places all matching cards face up. Players then take one of the remaining cards from the player on their left. If this new card makes a match, place the match face up on the table. If not, just add the card to your hand. Play continues until all cards are matched. The player left with the Joker/Gorilla card is the "Monkey's Uncle".)
Go-Go Gorilla!: "A racing game where players scramble to put their playing cards from A to Z!" (Separate the card deck by color, giving one color to each team/player. At the word "Go!", each team/player races to put their cards in alphabetical order from A to Z. The first player to finish takes the Joker/Gorilla card and yells "Go-Go Gorilla!")
Big Big Fish!: "Nate, do you have any 'A's? No? Then 'Go Fish' in the fish school pond!"
Mr. Moose's Memory Match!: "A fun flipping game where you try to remember where the animals are hiding!"