
Almeida et Bussaco 1810 (2010)

Rank: 8119
2 Players
120-240 Min
Age: 12+
Complexity: 2.50/5

Designer: Frédéric Bey

Artist: Pascal da Silva

Publisher: Canons en Carton, Hexasim

In April 1810, Napoléon entrusted to Masséna, the hero of Aspern and Wagram, the mission of driving Wellington out of Portugal. The northerly route was chosen for the invasion, passing through Ciudad Rodrigo and Almeida. The French offensive began at the end of June. On 24 July, Marshal Ney with the advance guard defeated General Craufurd under the walls of Almeida and threw him back across the Coâ River, as a prelude to laying siege to the place. The French then penetrated into Portugal. Their advance was slow and difficult. As for Wellington, he drew up his army in the formidable position of Bussaco. On 27 September, Masséna ordered a frontal attack upon the English line of defense. After a bitter struggle he gave up the attempt and broke off the attack. It would take until the next day to find a way to turn the position at Sierra de Bussaco. With these two battles the terrible duel between Masséna and Wellington had begun!

Almeida and Bussaco 1810 are the 30th and 31st battles of the Jours de Gloire series. The game includes a map (size A2), 216 die-cut counters, and a booklet containing rules, scenarios and historical notes.

Almeida and Bussaco 1810 will be the supporting game for the 14th Bicentennial Trophy in January 2011.

Game System:
Jours de Gloire Series (JDG)
- scale = 297m/hex;
- time = 75 min/GT;
- strength = 200 men/SP


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