The object of All About Town is for players, using dice and playing pieces, to acquire 8 Travel cards by moving around the game board. You can adjust the length of the game by changing the number of collected cards required to win.
Players can acquire money from Banks and Money Spaces. Surprise Spaces allow players to draw Surprise Cards that provide money, movement, both or cause them to lose a turn. Whenever a player acquires a Travel Card, another one is turned up.
All About Town: Charleston, South Carolina appears to have been sponsored by Charleston, SC businesses. Ads for various business appear on the rulebook, Surprise Cards, Travel Cards and money, some with addresses and phone numbers to those businesses. For instance, the money features: $1 Piggly Wiggly, $5 Flower Market & Flowers Unique, $10 Mighty TMA 1250AM, $20 Whistler's, $50 The News and Courier: The Evening Post, $100 Liberty National Bank. A full Participant Listing appears on the back of the rulesheet.
Part of the All About Town family of games.