Alien Attack! is a strategy board game for 2-4 players that pits them against an impending alien invasion - and each other. A ground war with the aliens seems inevitable as the first waves of enemies approach. Players take the role of weapons development companies seeking a contract with the Earth Defense Force.
Defeating aliens gets you brownie points, but sloppy work will let the next player sweep up the wounded remains. Balance subterfuge and self-promotion while blowing up aliens to claim ultimate victory!
The game is comprised of multiple player rounds over the course of three waves of invading aliens, with the starting player rotating between each. At the start of each round, cards can be played to give an advantage or disadvantage to yourself or other players for the duration of the round. Most player-to-player sabotage happens at this time, so players go into their turns aware of what odds might be stacked against them.
Once a round has begun, players each do the following as a complete turn:
- Receive energy tokens and event cards;
- Commit energy tokens to their weapons;
- Use event cards for their action, or as currency for upgrading weapons or hiring employees;
- Fire charged weapons into a 3x3 grid of aliens.
Each weapon has its own targeting system and damage types, with stronger weapons needing more energy to fire. Each alien has their own Rock-Paper-Scissors style strengths and weaknesses against damage types.
Players keep alien corpses for end-game points, but can trade them for additional event cards on the Black Market. Weapon upgrades and employees also provide points at the end of the game, but on a handicap system - more points are awarded for weaker weapons or poor employees, awarding clever strategy over pure luck.
The game typically ends when the Wave III deck empties and the 3x3 grid can no longer be stocked, but there are a few conditions where all players lose if they can't coordinate their efforts well enough!