
ALBUERA! (1986)

Rank: --
1-2 Players
-- Min
Age: 14+
Complexity: --

ALBUERA! is a study and simulation of the Battle of Albuera (16 May 1811) opposing a mixed British, Spanish and Portuguese corps elements (led by general William Beresford and Lieutenant General Joaquin Blake) to the French Armée du Midi (Army of the South led by Marechel Soult) at the small Spanish village of Albuera, Spain.

-Game components :
1 mounted 50X34cm map (in 2 parts)
130 counters
1 rules booklet including historical study of the battle

-Scale :
1 counter = 1 regiment
1 hex = 200m
1 turn = 20 mn

Each player earn victory points for : destroying ennemy units, controling Albuera hexes, controling crest hexes between 1110 and 2712.

Turn sequence:
A French cavalry moves
B Allies form squares
C Allied artillery defensive fire
D French cavalry combat phase
E French artillery and infantry move
F French artillery and infantry combat phase
G French square markers may be removed
H Allied cavalry moves
I French form squares
J French artillery defensive fire
K Allied cavalry combat phase
L Allied artillery and infantry move
M Allied artillery and infantry combat phase
N Allied square markers may be removed
O All fire markers are removed
P Advance game turn marker

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