
Akademia Superbohaterów (2021)

Be the first to answer questions about famous Polish scientists.

Rank: --
2-4 Players
25 Min
Age: 7+
Complexity: 1.00/5

This game (which could be translated to "Superhero Academy") is about Polish scientist that made a great impact in the history of science.

The game consist of 30 cards with a different scientist on each card. On a player's turn they draw a card from the pile and ask other players questions (which are actually clues) about the scientist (the questions are presented on the cards). The first player to guess which scientist the question(s) refer(s) to score 1-3 points depending on how many clue-questions they needed (more clues - less points).

The game ends when there are no cards in the pile and the player who scored the most points is the winner.

—user summary

Akademia Superbohaterów to fascynująca rozgyrwka, która pozwala odkryć znanych i nieznanych polskich bohaterów.

Gra karciana w formie quizu. Przeznaczona jest dla minimum dwóch graczy w wieku od 7 lat (gracze muszą umieć czytać). Jej celem jest zgromadzenie jak największej liczby punktów.

Punkty są przyznawane za wiedzę o największych polskich naukowacach, a także za refleks.

—description from the back of the box

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