
AireCards (2016)

Rank: --
2-250 Players
2-600 Min
Age: 6+
Complexity: --

Publisher: (Self-Published)

'AireCards' is a game first played at the AireCon Board Game convention.

Players fill out their AireCard by distributing 1000 points between 5 categories, although no two categories can be the same value. Collect 3 lives (tokens) and a custom AireCon dice (the 6 replaced by the AireCon logo) then you're all set to go!

The rules are easy, walk up to another player, challenge them and then roll your dice - then compare values in the matching category on your AireCards. The highest value wins and takes a life from the other player.

You can't challenge someone that just challenged you, and you can't challenge the same person twice.

At the end of the convention, hand in your AireCard and all the lives you've collected, whoever collected the most lives wins!

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