
Age of Chivalry (1992)

Rank: 14905
1-2 Players
120 Min
Age: 12+
Complexity: 1.86/5

The Age of Chivalry Quad contains four battles from the early middle ages:

4 17x22 maps
400 counters
1 d10

HASTINGS features the famous battle for the control of England, between Harold Godwineson and William the Conqueror. Saxons and Normans fight to the death, as cavalry begins to emerge as the dominant force on the battlefield.

LINCOLN pits King Stephen of England against the rebellious barons of the West and the Welsh border area; in 1141 they meet at Lincoln to determine the fate of the English crown.

BOUVINES features the emerging force of nationalism under King Philip, against the forces of the Holy Roman Empire under Emperor Otto.

MARCHFIELD saw the combined armies of Austria and Hungary massed to stop the onslaught of Ottokar of Bohemia, in one of the largest Cavalry battles of the era.

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