
Age of Battles

Rank: --
2-6 Players
240 Min
Age: 12+
Complexity: 2.50/5

Designer: (Uncredited)

Publisher: Zvezda

Age Of Battles is a table-top gaming system using 1/72 scale miniatures. Movement and combat are performed through measurement and dice rolling. There are several Age of Battles games from Zvezda, a manufacturer of plastic miniatures noted for historical accuracy, which cover several time periods and countries, all based on historical events (Antiquity, Middle age, Shogun, Napoleonic). The playing units (figures) can be bought in sets; for example, 6 units on horses, or 8 units with bows and arrows.

Battle/era-specific boxed game sets that include everything needed to play out scenarios:

Ancient Battles
Rome – The Great Battles (8214)
Hannibal – The Great Battles (8210)
Ancient Fortress Siege Battle of Syracuse (8206)
Alexander the Great: The Battle of Issa (8205)
The Battle of Marathon (8203)
Battles of Alexander the Great (8223)

Medieval Battles
Assault of the Fortress (8212)
Battle of Kulikovo (8201)
Battle of Lake Peipus (8202)
Crusaders (8204)

Napoleonic Battles
Borodino Cossack Attack (8215)
Borodino 1812, Battle for Moscow (8221)
The Battle of Leipzig (8225)

Shogun Battles
Shogun: Okehazama 1560 (8207)
Shogun: Sekigahara 1600 (8224)
Shogun: Takeda/Kawanakajima (8239)

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