Adventurer's Kit is a culture exploration and genuine artifact excavation game, bringing kids from ages 3-12 a true adventure experience.
For the game preparation, players first setup the world map by randomly placing landscape boards with the landscapes icon side facing up, and the adventure/treasure side facing down. Each player then draws a vehicle, which corresponds to a particular starting point on the map and a holds a special ability. After getting prepared, the adventure through the ancient four continents begins!
Each turn, a player rolls a die to determine how many steps the player can move. Upon moving on to a landscape game board, the player may flip it over to find out whether it is an adventure event or treasure. Event game boards effect players located at different continents (such as Bigfoot effects Americas and Mummies effect Africa), while treasure game boards from different locations brings treasure cards from different continents. Collect the artifacts on the way and beware of the events that may occur. At the end of the game, the winner would be the first to dig out the ultimate treasure and become the great Adventurer!
► Adventure
Tornados, UFOs, Bigfoot, Kappa, and more. Overcome all the adventure obstacles through decision making, and collect more than 50 treasures on your journey to become the true adventurer!
► Culture
From the lost empires of the four continents, comes more than 30 ancient civilization that once ruled the world, including Egypt, Greek, Maya, China, Persia, and lots more.
► Artifacts
Through a series of research and testing, we are finally ready to remake the greatest legacy of civilizations out of the EXACT material, such as Terracotta Army with 100% pottery.