
Advanced Persistent Threat Challenge (2015)

Rank: --
2 Players
20-0 Min
Age: 12+
Complexity: 0.00/5

User summary:
Advanced Persistent Threat Challenge, or APT Challenge, is a card game for two players with a theme of Advanced Persistent Threat, a method of cyber attack.

Players assume the role of cyber attackers who are planning to steal confidential documents from each other. To achieve their goals, they have to read each other's hand, plan an effective set of targeted attack procedures, and conduct a cyber espionage.

After the game, add up the level of sensitivity of documents each player has stolen. The player with the higher total wins the game.

The rulebook for the game is distributed for free by the designer at events promoting defense against cyber crime, such as the Shirahama Cyber Crime Symposium. The rulebook has the URL to allow the player to download the cards used for the game.

Publisher's summary:
Advanced Persistent Threat Challengeは、サイバー空間におけるAPT(Advanced Persistent Threat)をテーマにした二人用の対戦型カードゲームです。

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