Publisher: Somerville Ltd.
This is roll-and-move game, with the goal of travelling across Canada from coast to coast.
Players start either in Vancouver, B.C. or St. John's, Newfoundland. The first player to get to the opposite city wins the game.
On a players turn they roll the two dice. If possible, they must move their pawn to any city connected to the city their pawn is in. Pawns can only move to adjacent cities. A pawn can only move if the value printed above the route exactly matches the result of the dice rolled. If the values do not match, the player can re-roll both dice once. If again the player cannot move because the results do not match, they must pay a $5 fee to the bank. If players run out of money and cannot afford to pay the $5 fee, they are eliminated from the game.
Movement can happen in any direction, even away from the player's destination. If you land in a city with another player, you must pay that player $1.
—user summary