Designer: Keith Piggott
Publisher: (Web published)
A Walk in the Woods is a print-and-play game that was submitted for the Roll and Write Global Jam 2018. Autumn is the time for taking a relaxing hike in the woods and seeing all the beauty that nature has to offer. In A Walk in the Woods, players take the best path to see as many features as possible and score the most points.
A Walk in the Woods takes 15-30 minutes and is for 1-10 players. This is a print-and-play game which requires the following:
- Player Sheet
- 1 red die
- 1 green die
- 1 yellow die
One player rolls all three dice and then selects two of the three dice. The sum of those two dice is used to determine which shape can be added to their path. Once a shape is added to the player's path, any features that are covered by the new path are scored at the bottom of the player’s sheet. After each player selects their two dice to use, there will be 1 die left over. The player will fill in one side of the top most incomplete shape on the Bonuses section of the player sheet that matches the color of that die. When all sides are filled in, the player gets a special power they can use on any future turn.
The game ends on the round when 1 or more players extend their path to or past one of the 6 ending Finish squares. In the solo variant, the game ends after 22 turns.