Designer: Christopher Palmer, John R. "Buck" Surdu, David Wood
Publisher:, LMW Works
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"A Union So Tested" is an adaptation of the "Look Sarge, No Charts" WWII system. The game allows players to command approximately a division each. Individual bases represent regiments (approximately 250-500 men). The ground scale is 1" = 50 yds., regimental bases are 3"x1.5" in size. Each turn represents 15-30 minutes of time. The authors use 10mm miniatures, but any size figures can be used as long as the base size is maintained.
During each turn, each brigade, division and corps HQ throws a six-sided die for activation. Players then draw cards one by one from a deck composed of black and red cards from 1-6 plus a single joker. Each time a card matching the dice result thrown by the HQ is drawn, elements of that HQ can activate for movement, fire, etc. HQ's can exchange dice with the HQ above or below it, in order to seize the initiative. When the joker is drawn, the turn ends.
Each stand fires by adding its attack factor to a d10 roll; hits are caused by equalling or exceeding the target's defense factor varies with unit type and terrain. Regiments have 3 step losses.: when a unit takes one hit, it fires at half strength (factors are not modified, but any odd die roll is an automatic miss); on a second hit, fire is at half strength and units may fire only on black cards; on the third hit, the unit is eliminated. Long range fire cannot cause hits, only morale checks.