Designer: John Spittle
Publisher: Spear's Games
A SHEPHERD AND HIS DOG is a two player game, one of whom plays the part of the Shepherd and his Dog and who tries to secure all five sheep behind the fence in the field. The other player is the sheep, any of which has to escape from the field through either of the two gates.
The Shepherd player starts by moving either of his two pieces from their starting point (at the two gates) to any adjacent space (hexagon). The Sheep player then moves any one of his sheep to an adjacent hexagon, but not one that is also adjacent to either the shepherd or his dog.
Play alternates between the two with the Shepherd player moving either his shepherd or dog and the Sheep player one of his sheep. If the dog or shepherd is moved into a space next to a sheep then that sheep has to move on its next turn - no sheep may occupy a hexagon next to either the shepherd or his dog, unless it is unable to move.
The Shepherd and his Dog win the game if they succeed in herding all five sheep into the penned off area, behind the fence, and the fence is closed. The Sheep win the game when any one sheep leaves the field by either of the two hexagons marked with a gate. In the event of a stale-mate the sheep win.