Subtitled "WW2 Coup De Main dialogue game".
Excerpts from the rules:
"This is a form of interactive storytelling around a theme. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't - it depends on whether the players have a consensus of the nature of the story being told - the results vary from the realistic, to the amusing to the downright surreal. Its entirely up to the players."
"You are members of a platoon being landed by glider onto a key target in a secret location. The target is a bridge over a fast-flowing river. Capturing this bridge intact will facilitate the rapid advance of our armies and the inevitable swift conclusion of the war before christmas (as usual)."
"All you need is a large map or terrain model, including a wide river, a bridge, and some trenches, building and bunkers. Counter or figures representing the troops involved, plus loads of spare enemy troops and vehicles to be brought in as the story develops."